
Dr brownstein iodine photos
Dr brownstein iodine photos

Additionally, approximately 70% of the salt used by commercial industry in the U.S. Thus, iodized salt provides somewhere between 30-77 μg a day, which is markedly below the recommended amount. Research shows that just 10% of iodine in salt is bioavailable-that is, completely absorbed by your body (1). So, why don’t we get enough iodine from salt? That’s more than the recommended daily allowance. The average American takes in 4-10 grams of refined salt per day. Remember, the RDA was set to prevent goiter in the vast majority of people. and slightly more during pregnancy and lactation. The RDA for iodine is set at 150 μg per day for adults in the U.S. Iodine is added to table salt at 100 parts per million as potassium iodide, which amounts to 77 μg (micrograms) of iodide per gram of salt. Furthermore, refined salt fails to provide enough iodine for the rest of the body’s needs. Even though refined salt can prevent goiter in the vast majority of people, the minuscule amount of iodine found in it falls far short of the amount necessary for promoting optimal thyroid function. However, iodized salt is inadequate for supplying the body’s need for iodine, particularly in our toxic environment. The iodization of salt was hailed as the first public health miracle. And of course, he also mentions the salt myth. The reason this doctor has not seen iodine deficiency in eight years is that he has not tested for it. Unfortunately, this is the prevailing opinion of most endocrinologists and mainstream doctors. Our salt is iodine fortified, so just eating a regular diet, we get about 10 to 20 times the recommended amount of iodine in the diet.” Busting the Iodine Myths So, I don’t trust books and information that are out there. We have never seen it here in my past eight years as a physician and the experience of other endocrinologists that I know as well. “We only see iodine deficiency in Third World countries. How prevalent are these myths? Let me share with you an e-mail that was forwarded to me, originally sent by an endocrinologist in the United States. Because of these myths, people have the mistaken idea that iodine is a toxic substance that needs to be avoided. 2, that taking iodine as a supplement will cause or worsen thyroid disorders. 1 is that we get enough iodine in salt, and Myth No. There are so many myths about iodine, but I will focus on two main myths propagated by many conventional doctors. I am frequently asked by my patients: “If you only had one natural item to treat with, which would it be?” Although there are many natural items that provide wonderful effects for the body, one nutrient stands head and shoulders above the rest: iodine. David Brownstein, author of the book, “Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.”

Dr brownstein iodine photos